Metaphysics of Object Performance: Global Perspectives
Find inspiration for new work or useful insights about your current practice through reflection on how object performance illuminates the relationship between human consciousness and the material world. This session adds indigenous, African, and Asian perspectives to consideration of “the post human turn.”
The virtual seminar will meet for 6 sessions on Thursday evenings from 7 – 8:30pm Eastern Time March 6th -- April 10th. Can't attend every class? You won't miss a thing. Enrolled students have access to recordings of all sessions.
Each session will be devoted to one perspective on the “post-human.” Selected theorists will include Robin Wall Kimmerer (animacy), James Maffie (Aztec philosophy), Achille Mbembe (necropolitics), Zakiya Iman Jackson (raciality of the human/animal distinction), Alexander Weheliye (racializing assemblages), Swapan Mukherjee (Vedanta and quantum mechanics).
No written assignments, no required reading. Watch video presentations and discuss how the issues they raise apply to object performance in a supportive community of artists and puppet enthusiasts.